AI and Critical Technology Workforce Framework Act - Roundtable Recap

STC was presented with an opportunity to share thoughts related to a new bipartisan bill, the AI and Critical Technology Workforce Framework Act, introduced by Senators Eric Schmidt (MO) and Gary Peters (MI). STC hosted an informal roundtable discussion on April 4, 2024, inviting a select group of Cybersecurity and AI experts, along with tech leaders. The event, featuring local staff members Tucker Jobes and Michael Ussery from Senator Schmitt's office, aimed to enhance their staff's understanding through insights from our community regarding this initiative.

STC was honored to facilitate these important discussions within our local tech community and values the perspectives shared by the participants in the roundtable.

View a one-page summary of the AI and Critical Technology Workforce Framework Act.

“Senator Eric Schmitt’s AI and Critical Technology Workforce Framework Act is crafted with the intention of strengthening America’s workforce pipeline in artificial intelligence (AI), cybersecurity, and other critical technologies and to ensure that these jobs are kept in the United States rather than being outsourced. In addition, as technologies evolve, this legislation will ensure the development of similar frameworks for emerging technology like advanced biology and quantum computing.” -Tucker Jobes, District Director

Springfield Tech Council exists as a 501(c)3 and cannot advocate for or against any politician, law, topic, policy, etc. This meeting was informational only.


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