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Springfield Creatives Monthly Meeting - Confidence is a Habit

  • Springfield Soundstage 875 Drury Lane Springfield, MO, 65806 United States (map)

Join us in February to hear from the fabulous Katie Day - graphic designer, 5x certified habit coach, and Emmy-award winning comedian (you know, the typical triple threat). She believes that creativity is a habit (oh and also confidence is a habit....and success is a get the idea). She will be sharing steps to unlock your full creative potential, science-backed strategies to develop habits that fuel confidence, and how to avoid mindset traps that keep you in creative block. You’ll leave empowered with the tools to transform your work and well-being—and start creating the life you want.

Wednesday, February 26 (Rescheduled from previous week due to weather)
Mingle at 5:30 PM | Presentation at 6:00 PM
Springfield Soundstage (875 Drury Lane)
Free for members & students | $10 for non-members
(P.S. If you've been wanting to come see what we are all about your first meeting is free!)

Springfield Creatives typically meets the third Wednesday of the month at 5:30pm. Check the link below for more details!

February 25

Women in Tech Connect Meeting- Unleash Your Vision! Vision Board Workshop

February 27

ISACA - Asset-Based Risk Assessments, and Why They Matter