Springfield Tech Council
News, Articles and Media
Springfield Tech Council is the source for updates and insights on technology in the Ozarks. Our news section features event recaps, announcements, partnerships and progress across the local tech community. We also publish contributed articles from members and industry leaders exploring innovations, ideas and opportunities on the horizon. Subject-matter experts interested in publishing an article may also submit a guest post for consideration.
Imposter Syndrome Learning Over Lunch Recap
Caleb Boston from Beyond Healing helped attendees learn more about this common phenomenon, particularly prevalent in tech workplaces.
STC Holiday Party 2024 Recap & Photos
More than 130 members and guests celebrated the season at STC’s annual STC Holiday Party on December 11, 2024.
Springfield Tech Industry Workplace Survey Report 2024
A research summary of tech worker experiences and attitudes in Southwest Missouri prepared by Habitat Communication & Culture. In combination with Springfield Women in Technology and the Springfield Tech Council.
2024 Excellence in Technology Award Photos
View official professional event photos from the 2024 Excellence in Technology Awards.
Photo Booth Pics from 2024 Excellence in Technology Awards
Check out photo booth pics taken during the EIT Award's Cocktail Hour.
Congratulations to the 2024 Excellence in Technology Award Winners!
Springfield Tech Council hosted the Excellence in Technology Awards September 27, 2024, recognizing winners in 16 categories, shining a spotlight on the area’s vibrant tech scene.
2024 Excellence in Technology Award Finalists
More than 150 nominations were submitted and after hours of careful deliberation, Springfield Tech Council is proud to present the exceptional finalists for this year's Excellence in Technology Awards. The winners will be officially announced during our annual event scheduled for Friday, September 27th.
Congratulations to the 2023 Excellence in Technology Award Winners!
Springfield Tech Council hosted the much-anticipated return of the Excellence in Technology Awards November 10, 2023, recognizing winners in 15 categories, shining a spotlight on the area’s vibrant tech scene.
Springfield Tech Industry Workplace Survey Report 2023
A research summary of tech worker experiences and attitudes in Southwest Missouri. The disparity between men and women in the tech industry (or in technical roles) is well-documented. A 2021 report by McKinsey concludes that women hold only 34% of entry-level engineering and product roles, and just 26% of all first-level management positions.
2023 Excellence in Technology Award Finalists
After an exhaustive review of over 100 nominations and hours of careful deliberation, Springfield Tech Council is proud to present the exceptional finalists for this year's Excellence in Technology Awards. The winners will be officially announced during our annual event scheduled for Friday, November 10th.
Welcome to the new STC website! Your hub for all things tech in SGF
Springfield Tech Council has officially launched its new website, sgftechcouncil.com, providing a centralized hub for all things tech in the region. The website offers loads of new features including a comprehensive Tech Events Calendar, an exhaustive directory of groups within Springfield's Tech Community, a regularly updated news section, and a plethora of other valuable resources.
STC Announces Four New Board Members
In July 2023, Springfield Tech Council announced the addition of four new board members who will each help support the nonprofit’s work in elevating tech by serving as a voice for the industry, a hub for community, and a resource for all.
Recognize Employees with Excellence in Technology Awards this Fall
Showcase your organizational talent and/or partner in sponsorship for this special event that recognizes and elevates tech in our community. Nominating one or more employees gives organizations an excellent opportunity to show appreciation for and honor talented staff members. Partnering with STC through sponsorship can show your staff and the tech community your commitment to supporting and advancing area tech.
Executive Breakfast: AI-Engaged Care
Tech leaders learned how CoxHealth is developing new ways to provide health care as they expand into the AI realm for the most technologically advanced care available today.
A Conversation With Emily Buckmaster, STC’s Executive Director
Emily Buckmaster joined STC as the Executive Director, making her the first and only employee. Learn more about her role and how STC plans to grow due to this milestone.
STC Squared 2023 Recap and Photos
STC Squared hosted its second annual conference on March 8 with approximately 450 attendees, exhibitors, and speakers participating.
Upcoming Events
Stay up to date on the latest community updates, Tech Council announcements, events highlights, member news and insights from subject matter experts. Visit our News and Articles area for more.